Polyolefin shrink film — is high-performance shrink film. Packed products should last longer, be more attractive, more secure. The packaging products are safe because film protects and enhances the look of fresh of foods. The film is produces for packaging on automatic and semi-automatic shrink machines.
Polyolefin shrink film are designed for individual parameters of customers. Produced as single wound sheeting and center fold sheeting.
Polyolefin shrink film is produced according the specification 2245-001-99977326-2009. The film is confirmed by EAC declaration and certification ЕАЭС N RU Д-RU. АЯ 46.В. 02493 от 25.06.2018.
Recertification for compliance with the requirements of GOST R-ISO 9001-2015 has been completed. Polyolefin shrink film of EM-PLAST LLC is laureate of following awards: “100 best products of Mordovia”, “100 best of Russia”, “Best Exporter” and also “Brand of Mordovia”.